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Centre for Sustainable Communications (CESC) is conducting innovative research in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for sustainability. The aim of our research is to contribute to a change of society in a sustainable direction. You can find presentations of our three main research projects below.

ICT for Urban Sustainability (ICTUS)
ICTUS aims to establish an understanding and evaluate how smart sustainable city (SSC) initiatives in some selected cities in the world have been envisioned, initiated, planned, implemented and managed, and to develop recommendations for the governance of future SSC-initiatives.

Design and Data for Sustainable Lifestyles – opportunities for change
The project aims to explore and mediate the relationship between an organization (in this case a grocery chain), its customers (citizens) and the data that is collected as a by-product of that relationship. The aim is to work with the data in question in order to present it in a way that supports reflection, action and altered (individual) behaviors and (collective practices) through interaction and/or service design.

Methods for sustainability assessment of ICT in phase IV
Sustainability assessments of ICT solutions are needed as a basis for discussions on how ICT can enable sustainable development. There are many tools available that can provide useful and interesting results. There are however also important questions that are difficult to answer with current methodology. The overall aim of this project is to contribute to the methodological development of tools for sustainability assessment of ICT solutions.